Brand: Manos del Uruguay Yarn
Color: 63 Heliotrope
Details: With a wondrous luster and softness, 'Manos Wool Clasica Semi-Solid' yarn is handspun and kettle dyed by a cooperative of Uruguayan female artisans. The result is a sensational blend of both merino and corriedale wool with incredibly gorgeous marbleized, subtly striated hues in a slightly thick and thin strand. The tone-on-tone shades the women create with the kettle dyeing is sensational and will ensure that your heavy worsted jackets, shawls, pullovers, cardis, hats and felting projects will be one of a kind. Please Note: DO NOT cut what appear to be the yarn ties that form each hank -- they are actually the beginning and end of your hank used to tie the hank together for convenience. Instead, carefully untie them to maintain the full length of the hank.